
Thursday 15 March 2012

Women are Warriors, Men are Militants.

Women go through a lot during pregnancy. Labour is meant to be the most painful thing in the world. I wouldn't know, I am just a man.

The one thing women forget when they are going through pregnancy, is that we are going through it too. During my partners pregnancy, I was running around left, right and centre. She would send me out at stupid'o'clock to get her cheesy puffs with lemon and lime jelly. I would have to rub her feet and run her a bath after a hard day at work. Hey, I didn't mind doing this, she was carrying my unborn child afterall. I'm just saying that men are often cast aside when it comes to parenting and I believe that we have the right to be acknowledged too.

Witnessing the labour was the hardest thing I have ever had to go through. Of course my partner was in severe pain etc but my emotions were running wild. While she was out of it on pethadine, I was worrying for her and the babies life. The baby had a heart monitor because she was stuck and becoming distressed. My partner can't remember any of this, but I had to go through it for 26 hours. My book describes the entire ordeal we went through.

Since the birth, my partner and I have shared parental responsibilities. I was made redundant so my partner took up full time employment and I am at home with the little one bringing her up. Being a Dad is a precious thing. I'm sure any doting father would agree. Women are absolute warriors for going through labour and I think men are militants for putting up with them while they are pregnant :)

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